MRO support. Non-OEM EASA Form 1 approved part with Service Bulletin

The Objective
During C-check of a Boeing 747 the MRO found corrosion on the wing strap. The decision was taken to replace the straps on the left and right sides. The aircraft was scheduled to return to the airline within 6 weeks. This was too short a period for Boeing to supply replacements. With the agreement of the aircraft operator, the MRO requested TEG to supply EASA Form 1 approved alternative part numbers.
The Approach
The unserviceable parts were supplied to TEG. Detailed dimensional measurements of the parts were taken. A suitable material was identified along with appropriate surface treatments. Detailed models and engineering drawings were created. DOA approval for the airworthiness of the part was obtained. The entire process took 12 days from the date of the purchase order to shipping the part to the customer with EASA Form 1 and Service Bulletin.
The Results
The MRO and aircraft operator were satisfied with the service and quality of the parts. The 6 weeks return to service schedule was achieved.